Factories, Malls and Housing Societies
>> A Professional And Long Lasting Approach To Your Internal Painting Needs
Integrated Painting and Marking Services – A Safe and Long Lasting Solution
Paints and coatings can be a very important safety and convenience tool for factories, residential societies and malls. Make sure that you do not compromise on the security of your employees, residents or visitors by using our high quality, environmentally friendly Water based paint and Thermoplastic material.
What can go wrong with regular painting?
From many practical experiences, we understood that most people do not know who to approach when it comes to doing safety markings and therefore end up compromising by getting a local painter or contractor to handle such jobs.
Typically, such painters or contractors use ordinary paint and apply it crudely by manual application which does not serve your purpose. Paint applied in this manner will not last and the quality would be very poor.
Why should you choose ITS?
ITS understands the need for high quality safety markings and is perhaps the only company that manufactures its own paint, retro reflective glass beads and offers application services under one roof.
Unlike competitors who choose to lower the quality of their products so they can get repeat orders faster, the ITS philosophy is to educate and guide our customers about the best solution and execute a job that will last long so they do not need to paint every now and then.

Our Zero Accident Pledge
Our objective is to strive hard to create awareness of the importance of safety markings and encourage our customers to take the "Zero Accident Pledge".
SaFeLanes - High quality Road Safety markings for Parking Lots, Internal roads in Malls, Factories, Office and Residential complexes.
We ask: Do you paint your parking lots or internal roads every month or every few months?
Say no to manual marking/striping of your parking lots or roads and say yes to SaFeLanes